Jamaican Restaurant Customer Survey

customer feedback & referalls impact of cuture on customer satisfaction small business success through customer satisfaction Jan 29, 2020
As a proud Jamaican who has lived and worked in corporate America for over 20 years in the capacity of quality engineering/management, Chris Bryan is passionate about his culture, food and seeing Jamaican restaurants and businesses thrive and live up to their full potential. In this vein, he has conducted surveys to find out the experiences of people who have had the opportunity to eat at Jamaican restaurants in the New York area. This survey revealed information that Jamaican and West Indian restaurant owners should pay attention to so they can guarantee the satisfaction of their customers.
This post is not only beneficial to Jamaican restaurant owners but also non-restaurant owners alike who can pass this vital information on and impact businesses in their community. So, we encourage you to share this message as it identifies issues and provides achievable solutions around Customer Satisfaction.

Reason for performing this survey
As he completes his upcoming book “ Building Better Communities Through Customer Satisfaction “, Chris set out to capture evidence of the important factors in achieving customer satisfaction from Jamaican Restaurant goers. Having customer satisfaction should be your focus in any business and this survey has tackled the obstacles to achieving that by hearing from the horse’s mouth - the customers themselves.

Where can this survey be applied to?
Even though this survey is meant for Jamaican restaurant owners, it can be applied to almost any type of business as the lessons embedded are universal and are important for any business looking to progress and serve their customers better.

What does the survey say?
After analysis and compilation of the survey data, some interesting trends were observed. Not to spoil it, but one of them top issues was Cleanliness. Participants in the survey highlighted it as key in creating a good first impression. Bathrooms being cleaned and washed regularly, was just one of the important observations made that impact customer satisfaction.

Where can you get the full report?
To get the full report, there are 2 possible options
1) You go to www.CustomerSatisfactionServices.com , and scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll see a Jamaican flag. If you click on it, you can enter your details and download a free copy of the full report.

2) The other option is to go to the link bit.ly/JARestaurantOwner where the report can be downloaded, and you can get a free 15 minutes consultation. We can discuss the full details of the report and the best ways to implement solutions in your business.

Overall, this survey is meant to help businesses and especially Jamaican restaurants. It is only the first in a list of products and services that would be provided by this team to help improve your customer's satisfaction and keep them coming back to your restaurant/business. If you are already doing all the activities identified in the survey, then congrats and thank you for helping to build better communities through customer satisfaction. 

Check 👀 out the YouTube link for....Jamaican Restaurant Customer Survey and subscribe
If you found value in this information and you'd like to hear more like this, you can download (for FREE) " The Top 5 Killer to Customer Satisfaction " that you want to avoid in your business. By downloading you are also granted a FREE 15 min Consultation 
As I finish my book and officially launch my consulting business I invite you to follow along on the journey. Please connect by joining my Facebook Group - Building Better Communities through CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 
It is community of entrepreneurs, business owners and concerned citizens who support the fact that if businesses make Customer Satisfaction a key focus it is beneficial not only to their long term success, but it also improves the professional skills of their employees, increases engagement and leads to economic prosperity of the community in which the business operates.

Of course, if you need help you contact me at 516-500-1536 or go to my website, www.CustomerSatisfactionServices.com. 

Chris Bryan

Chief Customer Satisfaction Officer/Founder
Bryan Service Companies , Inc.– Customer Satisfaction Services


Bryan Service Companies , Inc. provides Customer Satisfaction Services to help small businesses EDUCATE, EVALUATE & EXECUTE on Customer Satisfaction to increase revenue.

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